Thursday 4 September 2008

The Brain Train Centre

Education of EEG Biofeedback will take place from Debra M Doodkevitch M.S.W., AIBT Certified Neurotherapist and member of the Las Vegas BBC. The Brain Train Center help you understand how your brain reacts when challenged and give you practical tools to help you stay on track. Learn to slow down inner chatter, activate a sleepy brain, reduce stress, control anger, decrease distractibility and addictive impulses, even improve your sleep patterns with a comprehensive, drug free* program tailored to meet your individual needs

Haven of kindred spirits

Haven of Kindred Spirits are eclectic and are not affiliated with any one path...all paths and beliefs are welcome. Our most prevalent associations include: Vampires, Otherkin, BDSM, GLBT, Witchcraft, Paganism, Occultism, Spirituality and Theology.